Rule 33 - Country Where Textile Fiber Products are Processed or Manufactured. (a) In addition to the other information required by the Act and Regulations: (1) Each imported textile fiber product shall be labeled with the name of the country where such imported product was processed or manufactured; (2) Each textile fiber product completely made in the United States of materials that were made in the United States shall be labeled using the term "Made in U.S.A." or some other clear and equivalent term. (3) Each textile fiber product made in the United States, either in whole or part, of imported materials shall contain a label disclosing these facts; for example:
(4) Each textile fiber product partially manufactured in a foreign country and partially manufactured in the United States shall contain on the label the following information: (i)The manufacturing process in the foreign country and in the USA; for example:
(ii) When the U.S. Customs Service requires an origin label on the unfinished product, the manufacturing processes as required in subsection (i) above or the name of the foreign country required by Customs, for example:
(b) For the purpose of determining whether a product should be marked under subsection (a) 2, 3, or 4 above, a manufacturer needs to consider the origin of only those materials that are covered under the Act and that are one step removed from that manufacturing process. For example, a yarn manufacturer must identify fiber if it is imported, a cloth manufacturer must identify imported yarn and a household product manufacturer must identify imported cloth or imported yarn for household products made directly from yarn, or imported fiber used asfilling for warmth. (c) The term country means the political entity known as a nation. Except for the United States, colonies, possessions or protectorates outside the boundaries of the mother country shall be considered separate countries, and the name thereof shall be deemed acceptable in designating thecountry where the textile fiber product was processed or manufactured unless the Commission shall otherwise direct. (d) The country where the imported textile fiber product was principally made shall be considered to be the country where such textile fiber product was processed or manufactured. Further work or material added to the textile fiber product in another country must effect a basic change in form in order to render such other country the place where such textile fiber product was processed or manufactured. (e) The English name of the country where the imported textile fiber product was processed or manufactured shall be used. The adjectival form of the name of the country will be accepted as the name of the country where the textile fiber product was processed or manufctured, provided the adjectival form of the name does not appear with such other words so as to refer to a kind of species of product. Variant spellings which clearly indicate the English name of the country, such as Brasil for Brazil and Italie for Italy, are acceptable. Abbreviations which unmistakenly indicate the name of a country, such as Gt. Britain for Great Britain, are acceptable. (f) Nothing in the Rule shall be construed as limiting in any way the information required to be disclosed on labels under the provisions of any Tariff Act of the United States or regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. [16 CFR 303.33, as amended, effective April 17, 1985.] . |